Volunteer with the ReStores.

Join our team of ReStore volunteers!

We could not keep our ReStores open without our amazing volunteers. Volunteers work side-by-side with staff with responsibilities including helping customers find what they need, taking donations and thanking donors, making sure the lights and houseware departments are organized and many more. We look forward to you joining us as we help Habitat without swinging a hammer!

Register Now


Group Volunteers

We welcome individual volunteers as well as corporate, faith and community groups. Fill out this interest form and we will be in touch about opportunities to build with your team. 


Community Service Volunteers

We welcome required community service volunteers. See more information at the top of our registration page.

  • You must be 18 years of age or older to volunteer at the ReStores.  

  • Court-ordered, lawyer recommended or school community service hours may be completed at our ReStores. We do not accept anyone with violent or sexual offenses. 

Have additional questions? Would you like to schedule a shift for your group? Please contact ReStore Volunteer Manager Lymari Roman at lymari.roman@trianglerestores.org or 919-744-2425.


Do you have industry expertise in antiques or high-value furniture? 

The ReStores get a lot of great stuff! We are seeking skilled volunteers who can help us maximize the value of our donations. Learn more. 


Interested in volunteering on a Habitat build site?

There are Habitats building in Wake, Durham, Orange and Johnston counties. Learn more: 

Habitat for Humanity of Durham County 

Habitat for Humanity of Orange County 

Habitat for Humanity of Wake County (serving Wake and Johnston counties)