COVID-19 Safety at the ReStores

Our ReStores are open to shoppers and donors and have no modified hours. We are all following state and local guidelines, which include mask mandates in some municipalities. 


shop in our store
Shop at any of our 10 ReStores!

All ReStores are now open to shoppers and donors.  
Monday - Friday: 10am - 6pm
Saturdays: 9am-5pm*
Closed on Sundays
*Durham-Chapel Hill & Raleigh ReStores are open until 7pm on Saturdays. 


Schedule a pick-up!

We are still picking up donations! 

Donate now!


Please note our new safety protocol: 


  • Staff are frequently wiping down “high touch” areas throughout the day (door knobs, restrooms, water fountains, break rooms), as well as non-porous surfaces. 

  • The number of customers in the stores will be limited to 2 per 1,000 square feet to help with social distancing.

  • Plexiglass is installed at all checkout stations, and we have floor decals every six feet to help remind customers where to stand in line. 

  • Disinfection will take place the hour before opening and the hour after closing. 


  • Donors will unload their items in designated outdoor receiving areas:

    • If the donor is unable to unload a piece by themselves, they should stay in their vehicle and allow staff to unload.  

    • A staff member will fill out their donation receipt and send to the donor.

  • Donations will be separated upon arrival: 

    • Non-porous items will be wiped down and disinfected immediately and moved inside for processing.

    • Upholstered items will be put in a “holding area” in each store to sit for 72 hours before processing.

  • Staff are required to wear gloves when accepting and disinfecting donations.