Did you know you can get even better bargains at the ReStore through our Color Change discounts? If you’ve ever been to one of the Triangle ReStores, you’ve probably noticed an array of multicolor price tags. More than just a pop of color, these tags are your ticket to savings!
How it works
Our pricing discounts follow a four-color markdown system (pink, blue, green and orange) that rotates every two weeks. When new items go on the floor, they’re tagged with the current “new arrivals” color. This helps you easily identify the latest additions to our inventory and ensures you’re always browsing a fresh selection.
Color Change Days land on the 1st and 15th of every month. Items receive a 20% markdown, up to 60%, and we switch to a new color for incoming donations. The longer you wait, the more savings you’ll get! Check the signs in-store or on social media to see what color discounts apply each time you visit.
Our ReStores carry both donated and new items. New items will have a white tag and do not follow the discount system. Items with standardized pricing, such as glassware, dishes or tile, are also exempt from the discount system.
Your invitation to savings
The next time you visit one of our 10 area ReStores, be sure to look for the multicolored tags and take advantage of our markdown system! Don't hesitate to ask an associate if you have a question about an item.
Follow your local area ReStore on Facebook so you’re always in the know with what color is on rotation before you visit!